Tuesday, March 08, 2005

I have been spending a lot of my free time watching past episodes of the show "24". I believe I have 2 seasons to catch up on and I must admit that I have become sort of compulsive about watching--there are four episodes to a DVD for a total of about three hours of viewing time. I rented another one for tonight . It is sort of like reading a book for me. I get lost in the book or show--it is a way of relaxing.

Tomorrow my husband leaves for Las Vegas. It is very exciting to me and for him that he has this opportunity to go and see the Nascar races. He hasn't really had a vacation for a long time. (unless we count the times in rehab--but that was not really vacation--it is a lot of mental work--but I was referring to time off from your place of employment.) I remember that I resented the fact that he got to go away and I had to stay in real life and continue with finding ways to get the bills paid and take care of the house and kids. I thought there was something wrong withthis picture--thought I could use the time away and he should have to stay home and face reality--without alcohol to help ease the way. Sorry just some of my resentment coming out--it really is much better than it was years ago. Today I can look at how I have changed and how I react differently to many situations. I used to have a bumper sticker that said "I am a miracle" and that is really true. God changed me a little bit at a time and He is not finished with me yet. Someday I will start to put it down how he took my broken life and made something special out of it.

Well I've got to get started on "24" ..... till next time

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