Monday, July 11, 2005

Good weekend. I spent a lot of Saturday in bed just sleeping. Of course I paid for this Saturday night when it was 12:20am and I still couldn't fall asleep. But it was worth it.
Sunday was also a good day. Started out at church, then the stores and then came home to do some yard work before sitting myself before the TV with my book that I was trying to finish. After dinner I checked in on my mom and she appears to be ok except for the weakness on the one side.

This morning I checked my email which among other things has my old newspaper site on it. I was sad to see that the little boy that was missing has been confirmed dead. Another article tells of a 17 month old that was shot and killed by police as they were defending themselves from the person who was holding her hostage. They shot him and in the process she was also killed. Not the best way to start off a new day. Thankfully I also checked out my devotional sites. The one talked of picking up our crosses daily and denying ourselves.

Then I checked out some blogs. Eric's seems to have created a stir regarding our current leadership. It is easy to get caught up in the emotions that are generated by the topic. We all have opinions---our message yesterday at church was about judging others while we still have much to correct in ourselves. It is easy to get carried off on a subject that is dear to us and in the process lose our battle with focusing on God. For me anyway. the enemy does not come in looking like something bad--heathy debate and discussion seems like a good thing but division is not good. We need to focus on what unites us and that is the cross of Christ. The love of God and what lenghts he will go to trying to draw us to Him.

Thank you Father for your persistance and patience.

Your daughter

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