Sunday, January 16, 2005


Back from my weekend rendevous. Met with Vicci Saturday for lunch and as usual it was a good experience. We are such different people but God has used us to help each other through numerous situations. thank you God.

My mom's house had a flood when i arrived--the sewer had backed up and the carpet was pretty wet. Thankfully the plumber was able to come that night and and dig up the lawn and snake the line out. I need a working bathroom so thank goodness this was taken care of. Also got to watch the first two hours of 24 as my sister had taped it.

Went to Trinity Sunday am. Was nice to see everyone but as I have always found out you can't go back intime. Things change. Which is good but also sad. I am also in this place where I haven't totally attached to my new church and I no longer belong at my old church so I feel lost in the middle. But this will pass. It was good to get back home. Even if I took a detour through Binghamton. (I got lost looking for a place to eat) Oh well--it was an adventure.

Plan to sleep tomorrow. And check out home depot and get groceries--the cupboards are bare.

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