Tuesday, January 11, 2005


Well I've been slacking off for the last few days. At least as far as the blogging goes.

But on another front I have been taking care of myself. I made an appointment to get my hair done even though it wasn't the scheduled time--I just felt like a needed a lift. And I finally made my massage appointment and went tonight. It was nice. And i made another appointment to go back.

Work has been much better for almost the last week. Prayer makes a lot of difference.

Will be picking my mom up this weekend to come up and stay by me for about 2 weeks. I believe it will go alright. POsitive thinking is very important.

scruffy seems to having difficulty with her rear leg. Can't seem to jump up and was having problems going down the stairs to get outside. Hopefully it is temporary. I don't relish the thought of being told I need to take her to a rhumatologist--which is probably what the vet would suggest.

Well that's it for now

Till next time.

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