Thursday, March 24, 2005

Have been having an awesome time with God. Alpha course meetings are very much looked forward to and I am seeking more of the Spirit on the retreat weekend. I feel that I am open for whatever God wishes to supply in that area.

Hubby is sick but has finally gone to the doctor and gotten some medicine. tomorrow is Good Friday and I hope to attend a service downtown on my lunch break and then my church is having a service at 5:30. Then it is the weekend already

Work is good--they are interviewing to fill the void that will be created when Lucy goes on maternity leave. No definites as to if she is coming back--this is her third and daycare is quuite expensive so I am not sure what her plans are.

Saw Ladder 49 and the Terminal theother night. Rented both from Wegman's. Ladder 49 was not really that good compared to other movies I have seen regarding a firefighter's life--it did portray the drinking that goes on and is considered normal. On the other hand The Terminal was pretty good. Been reading the Case for a Creator by Lee Strobel.

Snowed last night but most of it melted today. Lots of mud.

Hey Jen last time this year Youth Convention was in full swing. Are you missing it???

I am sooooooo blest?blessed?!

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Rough day today. Physically I was not at my best--can't quite put my finger on what is wrong but something was. Thought wise--I was having a difficult day. Negative thoughts about my co worker were going full force. Not that there aren't reasons for them but I really was feeling closed in by them today. I did remember to talk to God through out the day asking him to help me get through and not say anything that would shed a bad light on Him. Thanking God that He heard and helped. I got though the day and ended up the day at the Alpha class at church. We ended the night by going around the room and praying--short prayers--but it was good. A quieting restful spirit to drive home with.

picked up my new glasses the other day at Walmart. These were to be my computer/reading glasses. My regular glasses are progressive lenses so that they cover three different levels, close far and in between. But to see properly with them you have to look directly at an object--not to the side so it can be frustrating at times so I have gotten used to wearing my other glasses when i work on the computer. Thought this new pair would be an extra pair so I didn't have to carry them back and forth. The prescription is different though--I can read well with them but the computer is a bit blurry and forget looking at a distance. Trying to get used to them. As i am just rambling right now I think I will close and get ready for bed.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

I have been spending a lot of my free time watching past episodes of the show "24". I believe I have 2 seasons to catch up on and I must admit that I have become sort of compulsive about watching--there are four episodes to a DVD for a total of about three hours of viewing time. I rented another one for tonight . It is sort of like reading a book for me. I get lost in the book or show--it is a way of relaxing.

Tomorrow my husband leaves for Las Vegas. It is very exciting to me and for him that he has this opportunity to go and see the Nascar races. He hasn't really had a vacation for a long time. (unless we count the times in rehab--but that was not really vacation--it is a lot of mental work--but I was referring to time off from your place of employment.) I remember that I resented the fact that he got to go away and I had to stay in real life and continue with finding ways to get the bills paid and take care of the house and kids. I thought there was something wrong withthis picture--thought I could use the time away and he should have to stay home and face reality--without alcohol to help ease the way. Sorry just some of my resentment coming out--it really is much better than it was years ago. Today I can look at how I have changed and how I react differently to many situations. I used to have a bumper sticker that said "I am a miracle" and that is really true. God changed me a little bit at a time and He is not finished with me yet. Someday I will start to put it down how he took my broken life and made something special out of it.

Well I've got to get started on "24" ..... till next time

Tuesday, March 01, 2005


When I stop and think back over all that has happened in the last 15 years it seems unreal. Things were so difficult at times and yet we made it through. God has been very faithful in getting me through each situation that comes up. And just like the Israelites -after being rescued from Egypt--I often forget just what the Lord has done for me. I was a stay at home mom of two who was suddenly faced with supporting herself and her children without many marketable job skills. Iwas faced with applying for government assistance finding work and trying to keep my mental and emotional sanity. God provided friends through a 12 step program to help me get by. They walked with me through each obstacle as it came up. I was not alone even though at times I felt like I was. Sometimes I just didn't recognize the help that God was sending me. You see, God knew from day one what was going to be needed to develop and nurture His child. He saw me when I was born, he saw the situation I was born into, He was with me as I grew up and He knew there was a lot of work that needed to be done to get me to where He wanted me. Wow--He is awesome. Thank you God for helping me to see things through the right lens. I have a choice--He gives me that--every day I have a choice to make and thank God that He doesn't give up on me. I know I must try His patience many times, I must hurt Him with my lack of trust and respect for who He is.

Lord, help me each day to become more and more of who you want me to be.
Thank you for opening my eyes to who you are.