Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Well back from the weekend in Middletown. It was nice to visit and have no preplanned agenda. Went to Walmart with my Mom and spent a few hours there. It is not easy to go from store to store with my mom as she doesn't get around too quickly these days. Also it was very cold and icy outside so we spent our time out in one place. As we were browsing around who do we run into but Stephanie & Michael and Katie! I had thought of going to PA to visit them but decided against the trip so now we got to visit for awhile anyway. Katie made student of the month. They went back to my mom's to play with Midge for awhile but we finished up shopping and then went to Denny's to eat. Once we got home we relaxed and waited for 24 to come on. Slept in Sunday and Monday.My sister Anne came over on MOnday AM to go over some things and then I packed up and drove home. Wish I wasn't always feeling like I am going to fall asleep when I drive. It doesn't matter if I am tired or have just gotten up but after I am on the road for awhile I just start to nod out.

Back to work today. Day was a little hectic as Ryann is no longer with us and Natalie who is suppose to fill in for her was out sick. Doris had to do all the runs so she was really tired. I tried to pick up some of her work so it was a bit busy.

Friday and Saturday I am going to a class at church for small group leaders. Let's see where this leads. I still feel like I am floating and not grounded anywhere.

Time to pay some bills....

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

In my anguish I cried to the Lord, and he answered by setting me free. The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?
--Psalm 118:5-6
New International Version

The beginning of the year has been a trying time for people I care about. Maybe it's been that way for you or those you love. My prayer for you, and for them, is that they may know the comfort of God's presence. Whether it's the popular little poem "Footprints" or the familiar "Yea though I walk through the shadow of death, thou art with me," the presence of the Lord is absolutely vital to standing up against our anguish! The Lord does long to be with us, especially at those moments when we feel most alone. He told us that by experiencing it himself at the cross.

I am thankful, O God, that you refused to be God from a safe distance. Because you came and felt what it was like to be abandoned, forsaken, and alone, I know I can trust that I will never be forsaken by you. Please give me a clearer sense of your presence with me in my life today, I pray through Jesus. Amen.


Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Adoniram Judson (1788-1850) was gifted with a brilliant mind. He learned to read at age 3, could translate Greek at 12, and enrolled in Brown University when he was 16. While there he was befriended by Jacob Eames, a man who rejected the miracles of the Bible. When Judson graduated as valedictorian in 1807, he had been so influenced by Eames that he denied his Christian faith.

One night, when Judson was staying at a village inn, he was disturbed by a man moaning in the next room. The following morning he asked the innkeeper about the ailing man. He was told that the man had died and that his name was Jacob Eames.

The startling coincidence of being near his friend at the point of his death stunned Judson. He felt compelled to search his own soul and to seek God's pardon for denying his faith. From that point on, he began to live for the Lord. God led him to pioneer missionary work in Burma. At the end of his life, Adoniram could look back on his ministry that had planted dozens of churches and influenced thousands to become believers.

What kind of influence are we having on others? Do our lives encourage faith in the Savior, or do we cause others to doubt? —Dennis Fisher

We cannot live our lives alone,
For other lives we touch
Are either strengthened by our own
Or weakened just as much. —Anon.

Your life either sheds light or casts a shadow.

Monday, January 02, 2006

One of the greatest obstacles we face in following Christ is fear of the unknown. We yearn to know in advance the outcome of our obedience and where He is taking us, yet we are given only the assurance that He is with us and that He is in charge. And with that, we venture into the unknown with Him.